Arie Luyendyk Jr. And Lauren Burnham Share The Sex Of Their Unborn Twins - Find Out What They're Having!
By Nick Markus
Jan 20, 2021 5:49 PM
Source: onecountry.com
As fans know at this point, Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham are currently expecting twins! However, what you might be yet to find out, is the sex of the two babies!
The happy couple took to social media to share some super cute pics of the two of them and their other child, daughter Alessi, 1 and they were holding colorful cotton candy!
With that being said, their followers learned that little Alessi is going to have a new sister as well as a new brother since they were posing with blue and pink cotton candy!
The mom wrote that ‘Alessi is getting a baby BROTHER and a baby SISTER, we could not be more excited!’
And she was not the only one who shared the news!
The former Bachelor took to his own page to write: BOY! GIRL! How did we get this lucky @laurenluyendyk?! So excited to meet the @luyendyktwins.’
As you can see, the excited parents have even made an IG account for the unborn twins, which he tagged at the end of his message.
At this point, the page already has over 200K followers so it seems like a lot of people are also looking forward to meeting the babies!
Arie and Lauren also shared some footage from the cute photoshoot over on their YouTube channel so make sure to check it out to see their adorable interactions.
The same clip also documented the very moment they learned about the babies’ sex before the shoot.
The parents actually read the medical papers in a Chick-fil-A parking lot and Lauren told their viewers about this that ‘I’ve been giggling on the inside,’ noting that if they had two more daughters, ‘I’m just thinking how tortured Arie is going to be.’
After finding out, Arie joked that ‘I’m so relieved that there is at least one boy in there. Oh my gosh, that’s so cool.’