Ashton Kutcher Makes His Personal Phone Number Public And Asks People To Just Text Him - Here's Why!
By Nick Markus
Jan 29, 2019 2:39 PM
Source: etonline.com
Want to have a real connection with Ashton Kutcher? Good news then, because he wants that too! The actor took to his social media of choice, Twitter, to share his personal phone number with the whole world so feel free to text him!
His tweet reads: ‘I miss having a real connection w/ real people. My Community. From now on you can just text me. I won’t be able to respond to everyone but at least we can be real w/ each other and I can share the unedited latest and greatest in my world +1 (319) 519-0576 Yes this is my #.’
The post also included a GIF of him saying: ‘You are the fabric of who we are, and we love you!’
As soon as the people started to text the Hollywood star as he asked them to, they received an automatic message that reads: ‘Hey it’s Ashton. This is an auto text to let you know I got your message, everything else will be from me.’
Someone else got that message but also another one that said he will definitely not manage to reply to everyone but that he just loves hearing from people.
Kutcher went on to tell that he was on The Ranch’s set and that he will text updates pretty soon before wishing the fan to have the best day!
It seems like a very bold move to share your personal number on social media, especially as a celeb but he is not even the first star to do it!
Previously, Dakota Johnson also did the same, for a good cause.
While at the Global Citizen Festival in New York back in September, she made her number public and asked people to text her their sexual assault stories.