Bernie Sanders's Surrogate, Susan Sarandon (With Her Dog), Goes After Elizabeth Warren And Joe Biden -- It Is 2016 All Over Again!
By Dylan Fisher
Aug 20, 2019 1:05 PM
Susan Sarandon is no fan of Hillary Clinton, and she does not like Sen. Elizabeth Warren either and she has zero love for Joe Biden.
To be clear, the Oscar-winning actress backs one politician — Bernie Sanders. At a campaign event in Davenport, Iowa on Monday; Sarandon, with her dog on her hip, who was set to introduce Sanders, took a shoot at Warren.
Talking about the 2020 presidential candidate from Massachusetts, the activist said: “He is not someone who used to be a Republican, and he is not someone who used to take money or still thinks money, from Wall Street, he is the real deal.”
Warren, who was a registered Republican in the mid-1990s, explained her decision: “I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets. I think that is not true anymore.”
Sarandon added: “I’m heartened by the fact that so many people are on the ground knocking on doors and helping to give information that the mainstream media either is suppressing or corrupting or misrepresenting. It’s so, so important, because when people know and when they hear the senator’s policies when they see his track record when they know how authentic he is and how he has been fighting for these issues for so long, that he is the only one that had that reputation.”
She went after former Vice President Biden by saying: “We don’t have time for the middle ground.”
In 2016, Sarandon was a powerful surrogate for Sanders who said she would never vote for Clinton and advised others to do the same.
She said MSNBC’s All In With Chris Hayes: “Yeah but she doesn’t. She accepted money for all of those people. She doesn’t even want to fight for a $15 minimum wage. So these are people that have not come out before. So why would we think they’re going to come out now for her, you know?”
She went on to say: “I think Bernie would probably encourage people because he doesn’t have any ego in this thing. But I think a lot of people are, ‘Sorry, I just can’t bring myself to [vote for Clinton].”
Many, who stayed home or listened to her and backed Donald Trump, now say they regret it. She still managed to get attention on social media.