Braunwyn Windham Burke Is Seeing Another Person -- While Still Happily Married To Her Husband
By Ricki Mathers
Oct 24, 2020 10:40 PM
Source: Bravo
Braunwyn Windham Burke is redefining what it means to be married. After revealing that she and her husband are not living together right now, the Real Housewives of Orange County star revealed she is seeing someone else.
During an interview with US Weekly, she reveals she is seeing someone very special.
‘There’s someone in my life right now that makes me happy and I smile just thinking about, but I kinda want to protect it right now. I’m not quite ready to put it all out there, everyone in my life that knows me knows what’s happening. I don’t think I’ve smiled so much. It’s good. I know if you look at social media, it seems really like crazy, but things are really good in our house right now.’
Braunwyn and Sean have an arrangement in their marriage where she is allowed to see ‘hot girls.’ Therefore, it’s likely that the other person is a woman.
The Housewife revealed on the first episode of the show that she is an alcoholic. She has been sober for over 200 days.
As far as her marriage goes, the mother of seven says it’s surprisingly better now that they don’t live under the same roof. Although many may think that she’s headed for divorce, she believes they are stronger than ever before.
‘I’m not going to worry about the future until it happens. I love Sean. Sean loves me. We have every intention of staying together. We are very honest in our communication. There are just some things that I have discovered about myself that I wanna explore a little more and he’s very supportive. He understands and, you know, I am living a very authentic life right now and I’ve never given myself permission to do that.’
As long as the couple knows what works for them, they should not care about outside opinions.