Don Cheadle Tells Kathy Griffin They Were Never Friends After She Calls Him Out Over 'Smear Campaign' Against Her
By Ashley Mitchell
Jan 15, 2019 8:35 PM
Source: etonline.com
Don Cheadle slammed Kathy Griffin saying they were never friends when the woman called him out over her Trump scandal back in 2017. It all started when Griffin took to Twitter to comment under a picture that showed the man wearing a Sleeping Giants hat.
Since the organization is seeking to combat sexism and bigotry, it looks like Don Cheadle repping it rubbed Griffin the wrong way since she says he started a ‘smear campaign’ against her at the time the female comedian posted the controversial Trump mannequin head pictures that got her in trouble.
‘Oh GREAT Don. I’ll never forgive you for your nasty tweet on the day my smear campaign started. You know it was a f***ing smear campaign, and you’ve never taken a moment to apologize. Some liberal you are. Yes, my memory’s long my ex-friend. Shame on you. I kept a list. Fear me.’
At first, the man responded with a simple ‘huh?’ before Kathy went on to accuse him even more and remind him of the tweets he posted at the time.
That is when Don Cheadle responded to Kathy in a series of tweets in which, among other things, told her they were never friends but if they were, he would have advised her against her ‘personal, cringe-worthy photo-op,’ despite him also disliking Donald Trump.
As you may remember, Kathy Griffin got in serious trouble after she posed holding a severed and ‘bloody’ mannequin head looking like the president.
A lot of her friendships ended at the time, and she nearly ruined her career for good.
She previously shared with ET that ‘I was on the no-fly list. I was on the Interpol list. I was detained at every airport. I always say I was broken for two days. Like, you know, I said, ‘He broke me’ famously. For two days! Then I got up again and started writing and working and plotting. And I realized nobody had my back, so I was all on my own.