Eva Marcille Shares A Video That All Voters Have To See
By Alexis Stone
Nov 3, 2020 8:09 AM
Eva Marcille shared a video on her social media account that all votes will have to see eventually. Check out her latest post below.
‘If the line is too long, the weather too cold or rainy, or folks are trying to intimidate you at the polls – please don’t forget this. Please vote. Iwillvote.com. #vote #dontboovote 🔁 @miketsterling,’ Eva captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘I sat outside in 30-degree weather for 45 minutes to vote today .. it was worth it,’ and a commenter posted this message: ‘That man said he ready to die for democracy, not his people or his respect. When they got the mind, its sickening to watch…all citizens under the U.S. is the property and hold obligations to the corporation.’
A follower said: ‘Ain’t both of the picks non-American foreigners that still have land their ancestors stole.👁 My ancestors killed colonizers; they didn’t want to be friends or participate in any of their foreigner ways. Talking about the vote, under democracy 😂…that deprivation of rights under colour of law…because you’re reclassified by the census to be negros blacks coloureds of Africa American…non of those titles require human rights protection because non of that is in the families of nations on earth. Thats why you were stripped of nationality so the stateless people that got independence from their land can come here treat you like they got treated in Britain. 👁 woke doe.’
The same person said: ‘Vote and still die…look what’s in our community to eat, look what the FDA approved for our children. Look at the states giving vaccines to us that are harmful. Black folks have been indoctrinated so bad…Pick a foreigner …embarrassing.’
A commenter said: “I’m all in!!!! @evamarcille Lil chilly in Birmingham..but thats ok! VOTE OR DIE!!!’
Eva Marcille shared a bunch of new pics featuring her gorgeous daughter, Marley Rae. Check out the new photos.
‘She’s got it honest🌻 @tyrabanks HELP🙏🏾 @marleyraesterling14 #six My aunt shot these and Marley directed herself. 📸 Phone shoot. Go to @lunarmoonkids for these amazing kids clothes!’ Eva captioned her post.
Eva is living her best life with her husband and kids.