Former American Idol Host Brian Dunkleman Will Be Back On TV After Being Shamed For Being An Uber Driver
By Ricki Mathers
Sep 11, 2019 1:51 PM
Source: Yahoo
Former American Idol host Brian Dunkleman has landed a new TV gig. He will be hosting the Family Feud Live tour this fall.
He announced the job on Twitter: ‘I’m joining the @familyfeudlivetour this fall as the announcer, COME ON DOWN! (wrong show) Get tickets at familyfeudlive.com.’
This comes months after he was shamed for driving Uber, a decision he made to keep food on the table for his son amid a nasty split with his ex-wife.
The comedian explained why he’s part of the average working-class after hosting the hit talent show for one season.
‘I chose to stop doing standup comedy and started driving an Uber so I could be there for my son as much as he needed after our life as we knew it was destroyed. Print that. And I make over a grand on a good week mother******. #HumanBarnacles.’
I’m joining the @familyfeudlive tour this fall as the announcer, COME ON DOWN! (wrong show)
Get tickets at https://t.co/a8g8pKqwby#familyfeudlive@AlonzoBodden@rubinervin@PaulyShore@ChrisKattan@TomArnold— Brian Dunkleman (@briandunkleman) September 9, 2019
This is very similar to Cosby Show actor Geoffrey Owen’s story that made headlines last year when he was photographed working as a cashier a Trader Joe’s.
Owens also had no shame admitting between gigs he has a regular job.
‘I’d been teaching, acting, directing for 30+ years, but it got to a point where it just didn’t add up enough and you gotta do what you got to do.’
He revealed he was devastated when the picture circulated but the response he got from the public quickly cheered him up.
Little did Geoffrey know that the exposure would be a blessing in disguise. Just a few days later, Tyler Perry offered him a role on his show.
Perry tweeted: ‘#GeoffreyOwens I’m about to start shootings OWN’s number one drama next week! Come join us!!! I have so much respect for people who hustle between gigs. The measure of a true artist.’
The truth is, no one should be mocked for the job that they work but it’s great to see that the failed attempt at shaming these two public figures turned into a positive thing for the both of them.