Gal Gadot And Others Slammed For Celebrity Coronavirus Sing-A-Long — Imagine Rendition Called Tone Deaf
By Charisse Van Horn
Mar 19, 2020 4:35 PM
Source: Gal Gadot/Instagram
Gal Gadot and a slew of celebrities thought they were going to inspire the world to greatness with a rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine.” Instead, they triggered the wrath of the masses who say their song was tone-deaf to the plight regular people are going through in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. The song “Imagine” discusses living in a perfect paradise without war, material possessions, hate, or greed. The words that speak about not having possessions or material items when people are struggling to get basic necessities are being slammed world wide.
Also noted, was that the celebrities who took part in the video chose not to wear any makeup or use filters while they each sang a bit from the classic song. Though it appeared they were trying to be “real” or seem as if they were just like everyone else, everyone knows that celebrities are not struggling to keep a roof over their head or buy a loaf of bread, or even toilet paper as those who live paycheck to paycheck are.
The celebrities who took part in the Coronavirus Sing-a-Long may be shocked at the public’s reaction but so far, they haven’t made any statements about the social-media backlash. Many people responded that instead of singing celebrities, they would rather have people donating money.
You may see the Celebrity Coronavirus Sing-a-Long in the video player below.
There’s no question that a full line-up of A-listers were selected for the Coronavirus sing-a-long. Even Sia lent her musical chops along iwth Oscar winners, models, and the original Wonder Woman Lynda Carter was included. DCEU star Gal Gadot opened the song and closed it, but even the newest Wonder Woman couldn’t save this project.
Users sounded off across all social media platforms slamming the song and made it clear that the last thing they need in the Coronavirus pandemic is rich celebrities singing about how not having any possessions leads to peace.
What do you think about the Coronavirus sing-a-long? Do you agree with those who say it is tone-deaf and not what people need in the midst of a worldwide pandemic?