Holly Marie Combs Blames 'Disgrace To The Human Race' Donald Trump For Her Grandfather's COVID-19 Passing - ‘He Believed Your Lies!’
By Ashley Mitchell
Apr 28, 2020 4:58 PM
Source: diversitytomorrow.com
Charmed actress Holly Marie Combs has sadly lost her grandfather to COVID-19 and she is now blaming Donald Trump for it! The star did not hold anything back when she called him out for all his ‘lies’ regarding the outbreak that her late grandpa unfortunately believed!
Combs went as far as to call the current president a ‘disgrace to the human race’ and more!
As it seems, the actress’ grandfather lost his life because of coronavirus yesterday, April 27 and she is very sad but also mad at the current situation in the country that she blames Trump for.
The star first retweeted a tweet from him in which he called the pandemic just a ‘hoax.’
‘The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. This is their new hoax,’ he claimed at the end of February during a rally when things were just starting to get bad.
In response, Holly wrote: ‘My grandfather died today. He voted for you. He also believed you when you said that this virus was no worse than the flu. He believed every lie that you sputtered. He died from Covid-19 one day after his 66th wedding anniversary. You are a disgrace to the human race.’
Trump has actually denied ever claiming the virus was a hoax even though there is a video of him from the rally, clearly saying it!
‘I never said that the pandemic was a Hoax! Who’d say such a thing? I said that the Do Nothing Democrats, with their Mainstream Media partners, are the Hoax. They’ve been called out and embarrassed on this, even admitting that they were wrong, but continue to spread the lie!’ he tweeted.
As for the Charmed actress, some of Trump’s supporters slammed her for blaming him, calling what she did ‘despicable behavior,’ among other things.
Some also stressed that if she wants to blame someone, ‘China’ should be blamed instead. Yikes!
Holly was quick to shoot them all down, however, writing: ‘Zero tolerance for Trumpers. Zero. Take it to someone else’s timeline. Not today Satan.’