Kanye West's Presidential Campaign Under Fire In Virginia
By Todd Malm
Aug 30, 2020 6:34 PM
Kanye West has certainly had a rocky road when it comes to his presidential campaign. As followers of the rapper know, he has come under fire on a number of fronts ever since he announced he was going to run for the presidency this year.
For instance, Democrats in Wisconsin had the rapper taken off the ballot due to supposed fraudulent signatures, and others have accused him of merely trying to take away votes from the Democrats to help Donald Trump.
As most know, Kanye and Donald reportedly have a positive relationship, and the rapper even came out as a supporter of him at one point. Currently, Kanye is taking heat once again from individuals in Virginia, who have said that they were tricked into signing a petition which allowed him to make it on the ballot.
During a conversation with The Washington Post, Matthan Wilson claimed he had submitted an affidavit to the State Board of Elections. Reportedly, he was working out one day and three people came up to him and asked if he wanted to be an elector.
On account of the fact he was distracted by his workout routine, he hurriedly signed the petition and later found out he had signed for Kanye to appear on the ballot. Wilson went on to say he was “so embarrassed,” because he didn’t want to be an elector for the rapper.
He added that he only liked maybe “one or two of his songs.” Media outlets have suggested it “isn’t a good look” for the rapper and his campaign, however, others have argued that it was a “non-story.”
One social media wrote in response to the report, “so basically this guy signed a petition because he was in a hurry, but then realized he should’ve actually read what he was signing. And now it’s Kanye‘s fault?”
As it was noted above, Kanye announced he was going to run during the 4th of July weekend this year. Since then, many of his cohorts in the entertainment industry have put him on blast, especially the comic, D.L. Hughley.