Kara Keough Writes Heartbreaking Essay About Infant Death 6 Months After Losing Her Newborn Son
By Nick Markus
Oct 15, 2020 10:54 PM
Source: popculture.com
Kara Keough wanted to let all other grieving parents out there know that they are definitely not alone in their loss and suffering! The Real Housewives star, therefore, wrote a letter in honor of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.
As fans know, the former Real Housewives of Orange County star lost her son about 6 months ago so the open letter she penned was as raw and real as they come.
Kara Keough experienced something that cannot be described and something that no parent ever wants to even imagine being a possibility!
But, if anything positive can ever come from something like that, is the ability to help others deal with such a loss as well.
The letter she penned was published on Good Morning America’s website and comes 6 months after Kara’s newborn son, McCoy Casey Bosworth, tragically lost his life.
The baby was born on April 6 and there were some complications during birth.
As it seems, McCoy had shoulder dystocia as well as a compressed umbilical cord.
According to GMA, Kara and her husband Kyle Bosworth were soon faced with the realization that there was no chance the infant would become conscious.
Sure enough, he passed away less than a week later.
Addressing her ‘fellow loss moms,’ she said in part that ‘We should be labeled with a sticker that reads ‘FRAGILE: Handle with care,’ because we’re one trigger away from racing back to that worst moment. For some, that worst moment has a soundtrack: ‘There’s no heartbeat.’ For some, like myself, that moment stretches over the course of six days.’
‘For most, it’s the moments before the moment—the ‘if I had only,’ the ‘if I could have just,’ or the ‘why didn’t I?’ These questions plague all of us, the ones we ask ourselves and others, the desperate plea: How could I have saved my baby? We blame ourselves, not because we did anything to harm our children, but because we’re their mothers, and protecting them is our most sacred duty.’
To learn more about what she had to say, check out the letter in its entirety on the GMA website!