Lesley-Ann Brandt Who Plays Maze On Lucifer Tweets Using Hashtag RenewLucifer As Movement For Another Season Grows
By Charisse Van Horn
May 16, 2019 9:48 AM
Source: Lesley-Ann Brandt
Actress Lesley-Ann Brandt is talking about the new viral movement to see a fifth season of the Netflix series Lucifer and she’s definitely joining in. Originally starting on Fox, Lucifer ran three seasons on the network before the canceled the series. Fans rallied to its aid and launched several hashtags and viral movements including #SaveLucifer.
The #SaveLucifer campaign worked and soon Netflix picked up the series for its fourth season. Now that Netflix has released Lucifer Season 4, another movement is already underway hoping to save Lucifer and bring the show back for Season 5.
Lesley-Ann Brandt plays the demon character Maze who is Lucifer’s protege and protector. On Wednesday, Lesley jumped in on the action and after commenting on the new hashtag, she used it in one of her own tweets.
Lesley-Ann Brandt wrote the following.
“Yes!!! We love @netflix and We love your enthusiasm and we hope for another season so fingers crossed. #renewluciferl”
You may see the full tweet as Lesley-Ann shared it with replies below.
Fans agree with Lesley-Ann and #renewlucifer began trending on Wednesday afternoon. Many fans of the series began tweeting directly to Netflix letting them know how much they loved the fourth season and begged them not to cancel the show.
One fan was so happy for Netflix taking the show
“We can’t thank netflix enough and for allowing you all to have so much creative freedom. It was truly the best season yet and we hope for many more. 😈 #RenewLucifer P.S. I hope you sing again in season 5. You were amazing!!!”
This fan isn’t alone with the praise. Countless fans are online tweeting to cast members, the show’s creators, and Netflix begging them to renew the season.
Lucifer is based on the Neil Gaiman stories and are about the devil being bored with hell and moving to Los Angeles. The more time Lucifer spends with a detective named Chloe, the more human he becomes.
Lucifer and Chloe fall in love but each is tortured by the implications and the show is a good study on what makes someone human and is a commentary on the power of love.
What do you think? Do you hope they #renewLucifer?