Melania Trump Joins The Donald On The Teen Bashing Train Of Greta Thunberg After Getting Angry Because A Professor Mentioned Her Son, Barron
By Mel Walker
Dec 18, 2019 3:39 AM
After some heated exchanges between President Donald Trump and climate change activist Greta Thunberg, the situation has drawn a lot of attention from multiple sides, with many people commenting on the implications of the President’s odd behavior towards a teenager.
It looks like Trump does not have a lot of support in his decision to attack a child — even if she is famous. Recently, President Trump slammed Thunberg after she was named Time magazine’s “Person of the Year.”
The 73-year-old grandfather told the Swedish teen: “So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!”
And entirely, on the contrary, many have been calling him out on the way he has acted, and he has even apparently lost some of his support in the whole debacle. Even Melania Trump has decided to chime in on the whole situation.
Many had hoped that the first lady would call out her spouse — especially after she lashed out after Stanford law school professor Pamela Karlan mentioned Barron Trump’s name and apologized.
Melania’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham told the media: “He is a 13-year-old who wants and deserves privacy,”
Thunberg, meanwhile, is a public person who travels the globe giving speeches.”
Melania explained her views on the way her husband has been acting and pointing out that she sees Thunberg as someone who communicates differently from Trump.
Grisham stated: “It is no secret that the president and first lady often communicate differently — as most married couples do.”
However, she did not want to elaborate on that comment, which left it open for speculation from many sides.
Many people have been trying to decipher what Melania Trump might have meant by that, and some have seen it as a cheap attempt to shift responsibility away from her husband’s image of cyberbullying the teen.
And while many have been discussing the situation quite actively, one person, in particular, seems to be a bit less fond of engaging in those discussions — Trump himself.
The President has mainly been distant from the situation ever since he made his original comments, and he seems to be trying to draw some distance between himself and Thunberg in general.
Some have been speculating that Trump is starting to grow worried about the impact his attitude could have on his campaign at this point.