NBCUniversal Refuses To Conduct Another Misconduct Investigation Regarding New Matt Lauer Allegations
By Bridget Hill
Oct 17, 2019 9:51 PM
Source: Salon.com
According to a report from The Hollywood Reporter, NBCUniversal has refused to conduct another sexual misconduct investigation regarding their former employee Matt Lauer, following the new allegations from Brooke Nevil and Melissa Lonner.
A spokesperson speaking on behalf of the organization released a statement claiming they were not going to do another investigation, explaining that NBC executives are confident with the results of the first one which occurred within 24 hours of Matt’s firing back in 2017.
This past Wednesday, two ex-NBC employees claimed the organization should open another investigation into Matt’s behavior as an NBC employee. On Fox News, Megyn Kelly, the ex-NBC host, urged for an investigation conducted by an “outside” company.
Megyn claimed the organization “investigated themselves,” insinuating a conflict of interest, before going on to say that they needed to get an impartial company to look into claims. Megyn added they needed someone from the “outside who can be trusted.”
Linda Vester, another ex-employee at NBC, also said earlier today that Comcast (the parent company) should conduct another investigation led by an impartial firm. Additionally, Addie Zinone endorsed an additional inquiry as well.
However, as was noted above, an NBC spokesperson said to THR earlier today that there wouldn’t be another one, because the first one was done properly.
Hillary Smith, the company’s official rep, went on to say that NBC eliminated Matt within 24 hours of hearing about what he did, and after he was gone, they launched an investigation right away. Hillary added “it was worth noting” that every member of the team was female, and they weren’t part of the News section of the network.
Their investigation, based on 68 interviews, concluded there had been no complaints about Matt’s behavior before the 27th of November, 2017.
However, the report did note that Mr. Lauer would frequently make sexual jokes in nature, act flirtatious, and make statements with sexual overtones. As it was previously reported, Matt was fired back in 2017 for acting inappropriately at work, additionally, two new women accused him of sexual assault in Ronan Farrow’s new book.