Offset's Alleged Former Side Chick Celina Powell Got Arrested In Colorado
By Alexis Stone
Dec 31, 2018 4:33 AM
Celina Powell is a pretty known name in the world of rappers. What she usually does is sleeping with rappers then posting pics or videos online while in bed with them, or shows off their private conversations that they have on social media.
If you recall, she even accused Offset of getting her pregnant and used a child who was not hers to claim it’s his.
‘I, Celina, apologize to you Belcalis. I’m sorry I sincerely apologize if I made you for one second think Offset was the father of my pretend baby,’ she said back then.
The latest news regarding this woman is not the happiest for her ahead of the New Year.
Celina is also known as the Black Widow. The Shade Room just reported that the woman was ‘busted by bounty hunters Saturday night as she was pulling up to attend an event at a hookah lounge.’
TSR used TMZ’s reports and revealed that Celina ‘was taken into custody late Saturday night in Aurora, Colorado, where she was scheduled to host an event at a local hookah lounge called Hubbly Bubbly Brewery. Law enforcement sources revealed that the bounty hunters staked out in the parking lot of the venue after she posted online that she would be there. Once she showed up, that’s when they were able to handcuff her.’
TSR continued the post and explained that ‘Powell reportedly has upwards of $61,000 worth of outstanding bonds in her name, in and around the area, which ranges from traffic violations, shoplifting and evading police. She was turned over to the Aurora Police Department a little past midnight Sunday. She’s still in custody and set to appear in court on Monday.’
Celina’s arrest was filmed and William Ellenburg who is one of the bounty hunters, a white male was heard using the n-word a few times.
It seems that the man was trying to justify he’s not a racist. He told the website that Celina had accused him of using comments that were racial.
We’ll keep you posted as soon as we find out something more about the case.