Rasheeda Frost Calls Barack Obama A True Leader After He Spoke About The Racial Bias In The Criminal Justice System
By Alexis Stone
Jun 2, 2020 6:05 AM
ABC7 New York
Rasheeda Frost just praised the former President of the US, Barack Obama after he decided to speak about what has been happening lately across the country following the killing of George Floyd. Check out her message:
‘Our former President has spoken @barackobama #atrueleader #mypresident #letsgotowork,’ Rasheeda posted.
Someone said: ‘Black president and AG and they didn’t get a conviction for anyone killed by a cop to my knowledge.’
A follower posted this: ‘How many were killed when he was president? What did he do about it? What policies did he put in place? Police reform? Police defunding? Oh…that’s right he did put a policy in place. The Blue Alert (that protects police).’
Another follower believes that ‘Words mean nothing when the action doesn’t follow. Obama was in office for 8 years, and he didn’t change anything as far as it relates to us Black people feeling like the system is for us! How can we have change when the laws we want set in place needs to be approved by the white man?🤔 I’ll wait.’
Someone else posted: ‘Obama please… bro black people died on your watch too.. u should have effectively thought about putting this action into play!’
Another Instagrammer said: ‘Rasheeda large numbers of the protesters are hungry and angry at the same time, Many of those protesters didn’t get a stimulus check, the one’s that do, how far can $1,200.00 stretches /4 Months? When rent is sky high, food is up there too, utilities, medication, hygiene products, the list go on & on. Some people haven’t received their unemployment benefits yet, lots of people lost their hustle! Those who had a real job, lost their jobs, the list go on & on. Remember Most people live paycheck to paycheck. A one-bedroom apartment in a low-income neighborhood goes anywhere from $1,500.00 to $2,200.00.’
Someone else wrote: ‘I wish people would protest and march when a black man kills another black man which we hear every time we turn on the news.’
Recently, Rasheeda shared a message on her social media account about this terrible year.
She’s obviously also referring to the murder of George Floyd which shocked and enraged the whole country.