Robyn Crawford Chronicles Whitney Houston's Life-Long Battle With Drug Addiction In Her New Book
By Suzy Kerr
Nov 12, 2019 6:15 PM
Source: Instagram
When Whitney Houston sat down for an interview with Diane Sawyer in 2002, she vehemently denied having a drug problem and infamously made the statement “crack is whack.” But, according to Houston’s best friend Robyn Crawford, the singer struggled with drug addiction her entire life.
In her new memoir A Song for You: My Life with Whitney Houston, Crawford reveals that Houston tried cocaine for the first time at the age of 14. She says a local guy in their native New Jersey would sometimes give them “blow” when they were partying as teenagers, but things escalated quickly when Houston became one of the most famous and successful singers on Earth.
When Houston first found fame in the mid-80s, she took part in First Lady Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign by appearing in an anti-drug PSA, and Crawford said she immediately called her friend out for being hypocritical.
“People are going to think you’re drug free and you’re not,” Crawford allegedly told her. “It’s not right to say one thing in public, and do another in secret.”
Crawford says Houston often promised she would stop doing drugs, but she never stayed true to her word. She claims that during Houston’s Greatest Love Tour in 1986, drug dealers were everywhere to take care of Houston and her entourage, and one of her band members called it “The Greatest Drug Tour.”
By 1987, Houston straight up refused to stop using drugs and had no interest in going to rehab. Crawford says that one night Houston got so mad at her at a party when she tried to get her to stop that Houston screamed, “Take Robyn’s a** home before I kill her!”
After Houston married Bobby Brown in 1992, Crawford says Houston spiraled out of control, and she says that the couple was “strung out of their minds” throughout their entire relationship.
Crawford also reveals that Houston did, in fact, smoke crack after she asked her brother Michael – who also suffered from addiction – if she could try it.
By 2000, Crawford and Houston’s friendship had come to an end because Houston and Brown’s tumultuous marriage and drug abuse was causing erratic behavior. Houston was also regularly blowing off rehearsals and not showing up for performances.
“There was nothing I could do to make things any better,” says Crawford.
During Houston’s final days in 2012, Crawford says that CeCe Winans told her the singer was “skin and bones” the last time they talked. Whitney Houston died in a Los Angeles hotel room on February 11, 2012, at the age of 48. Robyn Crawford wrote that when she found out about her friend’s tragic death, she felt like her “insides were shattering.”
A Song for You: My Life with Whitney Houston is now available online and in bookstores.