Scarlett Johansson Explains The Meaning Behind Naming Her Children Cosmo And Rose
By Janet Williams
Sep 28, 2022 4:07 AM
The Black Widow actress was a guest on The Kelly Clarkson Show on Monday, and she discussed the origin of her baby Cosmo’s one-of-a-kind moniker. Cosmo is the 13-month-old boy she has with her husband, Colin Jost.
Johansson first stated, in jest, that his name was just the result of slamming a bunch of random letters together. She continued to laugh as she continued saying, “It simply seemed like a refreshing it’s so cute.” Our pals all liked it.
She stated that it took some time for the name to develop in Jost’s mother. She continued to offer several alternative interpretations of the situation, to which I would respond, “No, he’s already here; he’s out.”
In addition, Johansson mentioned that the name was a success with her 8-year-old daughter, Rose Dorothy. Clarkson said, “I really like that they’re both flowers.” Johansson referred to both of them as flowers. The majority of individuals do not make that connection. The cosmo is a tiny flower that can be found in a variety of yellow and orange hues.
The fact that the names are connected is one of the reasons why my daughter enjoyed it, as she explained.
Johansson and Jost tied the knot in a private ceremony in the month of October in the year 2020. Following a courtship that lasted for two years, the couple announced their engagement in May of 2019. When the Sing 2 actress took the stage at San Diego Comic-Con in July of that year, she showed off the 11-carat engagement ring that she had received.
Johansson has always been transparent about the experience of having her first kid. In April of 2021, she discussed with PEOPLE the ways in which she encourages Rose to eat healthy meals and how she does so.
According to Johansson, “I think it’s amusing, but I really never had to deceive her into eating healthier.”
I believe that it is preferable to just let youngsters discover different foods on their own without making it seem like a duty to do so. She went on to say that everyone has a unique taste profile.