EntertainmentAzriel Clary Said She Was Not Honest In Her Previous Interview With Gayle King
It’s been just revealed that Azriel Clary was not honest in her interview with Gayle King. She said that all that she had to say back then was a result of R. Kelly coaching her. The Shade Room notes that ‘just on the heels of #RKelly being found guilty of racketeering and trafficking in his […]
EntertainmentAzriel Clary Will Tell ‘Everything’ About R. Kelly Relationship Via Youtube — Social Media Is Split
Bits and pieces of Azriel Clary’s story have been released through different outlets and sometimes even in her comment section. However, a comprehensive explanation of the things she went through while being in R. Kelly’s clutch has never been fully told. Azriel recently took to Youtube to say that she will be the one exposing […]