HollywoodKevin Spacey’s Battery Charge Was Dismissed In The Sexual Assault Case Against Anthony Rapp
According to CNN, a New York jury found the 63-year-old actor, best known for his role in the Netflix series House of Cards, not guilty of battery in connection with accusations made by Rapp, now 42, that Spacey made a sexual approach to him when Rapp was 14 years old. According to NBC News, the […]
EntertainmentKevin Spacey Caught Amidst Sexual Assault Charges AGAIN
Kevin Spacey‘s name made rounds in the press recently as he is facing four counts of sexual assault in the UK. Spacey, who has been out of action in the industry since 2017 on account of several other sexual assault allegations, has made no comments on the matter as of yet. The Crown Prosecution Service, […]