EntertainmentMelania Trump Wears Coat Dress With Stitching That Resembles Twin Towers And Plane Moment Of Impact At 911 Memorial And Internet Is Furious
First Lady Melania Trump is under fire by those who feel that she did the most unpatriotic and distasteful act in recent history. Some are even calling Melania unAmerican and a troll. The Internet is furious for a Herve Pierre coat dress that Melania Trump wore to the Flight 93 memorial in Pennsylvania on September […]
PoliticsMelania Trump Is Dragged For Posting Gorgeous Christmas Decorations In July While The Donald Is Accused Of Posting Racist Tweets
While President Donald Trump is making headlines for racist remarks, and the media is decomposing Robert Mueller’s testimony, First Lady Melania Trump is busy getting ready for Christmas. For the former exotic and glamour model from the Yugoslav republic of Slovenia, it is Christmas in July. While many are trying to shed light on the […]