EntertainmentQueen Elizabeth’s First Face-To-Face Duty Since Lockdown Is A Knighthood Ceremony For This Popular Brit
Queen Elizabeth will be part of a knighthood ceremony on Friday, July 17, marking her first face-to-face duty since the COVID-19 lockdown. And, the man of honor will be Captain Tom Moore, the 100-year-old who famously raised more than $40 million for the UK’s National Health Service during the pandemic by walking 100 laps in […]
EntertainmentQueen Elizabeth – Buckingham Palace Releases Statement About Her Health After Prince Charles And Prime Minister Boris Johnson Test Positive For COVID-19
As those that keep up with the royal family know, Prince Charles, as well as Boris Johnson, have tested positive for the new Coronavirus strand known as COVID-19. That being said, a lot of people are worried about the queen since she is 93 years old and, obviously, close to people infected. Is Queen Elizabeth […]