EntertainmentSafaree Offers Gratitude To His Supporters On Social Media
Safaree offered his gratitude to supporters on social media. Check out the message that he shared on his IG account. ‘Love me while I’m here ‼️ thank you to my supporters! I appreciate every1 if y’all! @safareestunts 🙏🏾’ Safaree captioned his post. Someone said: ‘My Brother!!!!! Bring me the baby. Thanks and God Bless!’ and […]
LifestyleSafaree Tells Fans Not To Take A Single Minute For Granted
Chadwick Boseman’s death took people by surprise and caused a lot of grief in the world. People are saying that time is the most precious gift that we have, and we should not waste it. Lots of celebrities expressed their feelings after the tragedy, and Safaree is another one of them who took to social […]