Three Producers Quit Ellen DeGeneres Show Amid WarnerMedia's Workplace Investigation
By Bridget Hill
Aug 18, 2020 4:49 PM
Source: SPFSixthFormBlog.com
The San Francisco Gate reported today that three producers over at The Ellen DeGeneres Show have been fired amid reports of the show’s toxicity. The Ellen DeGeneres Show allegedly harbored misbehavior including sexual misconduct and racist “microaggressions.”
A Warner Brothers spokesperson released a statement on Monday claiming that Kevin Leman, Ed Glavin, and Jonathan Norman had all left the show.
WarnerMedia launched an investigation into Ellen following a July BuzzFeed news report which featured 36 interviews with former staff members and more. Former staffers complained of seeing improper behavior.
Interestingly, the vast majority of the claims made against individuals in the report were not related to Ellen personally. Allegations were in relation to the executive producers and managers, although, in the weeks that followed, Ellen was accused of being a bully as well.
BuzzFeed News released their story on the 30th of July, and Leman and Norman both dropped statements in which they denied all of the allegations. On Monday, Ellen announced many of the series’ executive producers would be leaving, Variety reported.
During the conversation, Ellen described the conduct on her show as “heartbreaking.” Fans of Ellen know it first started in 2003 and has been one of the most popular daytime television series over the last seventeen years.
In July, Warner Brothers also released their report in which they claimed there were “some flaws in the show’s daily management.” The studio claimed they couldn’t find evidence for some of the accusations that came out, however, they did note some “deficiencies” in terms of how the show was managed.
As most know, Ellen has continued to come under fire over the last few weeks, including earlier today when a tweet from 2009 was revealed. Ellen wrote on her Twitter account 11 years ago that she made an employee cry, and it “felt good.”
While the tweet was most likely a joke, social media users weren’t happy to see how poorly the tweet had aged. Coincidentally, Kevin Hart, one of Ellen’s big defenders, was also outed for tweets around the same time period.