Tiny Harris Shares A Less Known Fact About Herself And T.I. Regarding The Kids' Education
By Alexis Stone
Jun 4, 2019 4:36 AM
Tiny Harris shared a funny video on her social media account and said that she can definitely relate to it. It’s about teaching the kids and helping them with their homework.
She said that T.I. was more patient than her at this sort of things.
‘I had to repost @iamdesibanks This was always me with my kids doing homework. I know they were so happy when we found them professional help. Sometimes @troubleman31 would come take over. He was always much calmer than me. @preciousharris1913 was a life saver 👑❤️😂’ Tiny captioned her post.
Fans are laughing their hearts out ion the comments section.
Someone said: ‘Girrrrl definitely me and my son Monday-Friday with more cursing and a belt. You mean to tell me I put you in private school and got you a tutor on the weekends for your little ass to turn around and show me you still can’t read but can remember ever lyric of Nipsey and Dababy Oh you got me fucked up🤣’
Another commenter posted: ‘On god!! 😂 Then I be feeling bad like we all have to start somewhere.’
One other follower wrote: ‘That was my mom when I was growing up, now my kids know more than me🤣’
In other news, Tiny has always been very supportive of Toya Wright’s daughter, Reginae Carter. And recently, she praised her for the very first movie in which she starred.
Fans love that Tiny is also supportive of her friends and she always has their back.