Toya Johnson Works Out With Robert Rushing On Their Balcony And Fans Cannot Get Enough Of This Couple
By Ron Collins
Jun 17, 2020 7:08 AM
Toya Johnson shared a video in which she and Robert Rushing are working out in their gorgeous balcony, and fans show nothing but love to the couple. Check out the video Toya shared.
‘Hello Fat Burner!! 🗣Goodbye Fat!! @weightnomoreinfo,’ Toya captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘Happy happy happy!!!!! For U!! Congrats on all of it.’
Another follower posted this: ‘I need something to assist in my weight loss. I’ve gained over 100 pounds since my diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I can’t exercise like I used to because of my pain. I just feel if I could lose weight I’d feel better. Happy m scared to take too many things cause it may make me jittery. Would you Weight No More supplements do this?’
Someone else asked: ‘How does that supplement make you feel? Do you feel your body heat up during the workout? Does it make you jittery? How does it taste? I’m really curious about it,’ and other people in the comments responded that they’re feeling just fine after taking the products.
A follower has another idea: ‘@toyajohnson are you and Red going to do a workout clothing line?’ As you know, the Weight No More products have been released back in 2019 by Toya and Robert.
Toya also made sure to share another message of interest on her social media account regarding her merch: ‘We will be adding the new kids’ bonnets to the site this week! Our new sizing will now fit kids from 2-10 years old. Shop our mommy & me collection. 💎💎 Follow @beforebedheadz.’
A follower said: ‘This is a good time to be black for our heavenly father made us all and he loves us all so be proud of what you are peace out.’
Lots of people praised Toya’s bonnets and said that they have already purchased some.